
<p>My friends and I want to get an apartment on south side with a lease starting in the summer and going through the '09-'10 school year. Should we start looking now or is there still time? Also, what websites (besides craigslist) or other services are available to help us find a place?</p>

<p>just so you know, sometimes places on Southside can be really far from campus. Lesser so for Northside.</p>

<p>How many friends?</p>

<p>Many apartments have year-long leases, so it shouldn’t be hard finding them. Plus you can always talk it over with landlords when you check out places. As for when to start looking, I’d say near after spring break. There’s no need to rush it. At the moment, the market’s mostly advertising for apartments opening in a few months, not summer. But seriously, craigslist is your best bet (as it was mine) in finding apartments. Other than that, there are other apartment managers like Panoramic Management (overpriced like crazy) and real estate companies (who advertise on craigslist). </p>

<p>What’s so wrong with craigslist?</p>

<p>Nothing’s wrong with craigslist I was just wondering if there are other options out there where I can find special deals or something. I’m looking for either a 1 bedroom for 2 people or a 2 bedroom for 4 people.</p>