Abbreviation Thread

<p>what’s CTCL???</p>

<p>ETA: nvm, i found it.</p>

<p>I have no idea if someone has posted this yet but:</p>

<p>USABO: United States of America - Biology Olympiad</p>

<p>For those of us approaching just right of mid life…</p>

<p>ATD - at the doctor.
BFF - best friend fell.
BTW - bring the wheelchair .
FWIW - forgot where I was.
GHA - got heartburn again.
IMHAO - is my hearing aid on?
OMMR - on my massage recliner.
ROFLACGU - rolling on floor laughing and can’t get up.
TTYL - talk to you louder!</p>

<p>CTCL= Colleges That Change Lives, name of a book</p>

<p>Recently I’ve seen kwim. What does that stand for?</p>

<p>KWIM= Know what I mean</p>

<p>Why thank you Jym! :D</p>

<p>My pleasure, chchipcookie!</p>

<p>I guess I should know this…Maybe I do and am just tired. LOL. I’ve looked through this thread of abbreviations and didn’t see it…What is an “SEC school” ?</p>

<p>I believe it’s South East [athletic] Conference.</p>

<p>Thank you OneToughMommy :)</p>

<p>I live in Wisconsin, and these always trick me up:</p>

<p>UW system- the entire University of Wisconsin system consisting of 26 campuses.
UW- 95% of the time, it means University of Wisconsin-Madison.
UWM- Always means University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.</p>

<p>What is “T1?”</p>

<p>In most cases it means a Tier 1 school. There is a poster who refers to the poster Thumper1 as T1, but I am guessing that you mean the former nd not the latter.</p>

<p>T1 - Type 1 Diabetes</p>

<p>I saw it in the list of acceptances.</p>



Mother<em>of</em>Perl’s T1: Yale
Mother<em>of</em>Perl’s T2: Rose Hulman, MIT


<p>^Perhaps Twin 1 and Twin 2?</p>

<p>Yes that’s correct. It stands for twin one and two</p>

<p>thank goodness for this thread - i feel like i’m reading a foreign language with some of these posts!!</p>

<p>What’s YMMV? I thought it was you make me vomit, but seemed inappropriate a few places I saw it.</p>

<p>Your mileage may vary</p>