About double majoring.

<p>So I’m contemplating double majoring, and got a few questions. </p>

<li>Does taking more than 3 classes in one quarter cost extra money? </li>
<li>Are summer classes extremely expensive? </li>
<li>Are summer classes pay by units? </li>
<li>Is it wise for a junior to attempt to complete a double major within two years if all lower division and GE requirements are met? </li>

<p>The way I see it, if taking more classes don’t cost extra money, it’d be very wise to take as many classes as I can handle to get my money’s worth.</p>

<li>see above</li>
<li>junior as in junior standing? or 3rd year? you should be doing a double major because you’re genuinely interested in both, and not at the expense of your sanity/saving a few bucks</li>

<p>Oh yes of course, that was the premises of my contemplations. Of course I’m also very poor, so I wasn’t about to spend extra money when I don’t have to satisfy my curiosity for knowledge so thoroughly. </p>

<p>Haha I’ll check out the summersession site, I guess I’m just too lazy to look things up sometimes.</p>

<p>Okay so
UC Undergraduates (from any UC): $158/unit</p>

<p>That’s not too bad, I suppose I could take 2 or so classes without it costing insane amounts. Are there any hidden fees or anything like that? The site makes it sound like it costs money to use any facilities during summer, is that a huge problem? Ever taken any summer courses there Astrina? How was it?</p>

<p>Oh and I’ll be transfering in as a third year.</p>

<p>never took any at ucsd, but TAed two (chem 6b and chem 100a) … let’s just say that summer hits everyone equally hard – professors and TAs are WAY more lax than they are during the school year.</p>

<p>Cool! Sounds like a good deal. Thanks astrina. Hopefully this double majoring deal doesn’t kill me.</p>

<p>Practically done with my Math/Econ BA and just declared my Psychology major over summer (third year right now)</p>

<p>As long as you take 8 units each session, financial aid (if you qualify) should cover most of it via loans, so nothing out of pocket.</p>

<p>Summer school for lab and core classes are harder; it’s a lot easier for electives. Lab and cores can’t omit any material whereas electives can condense where need be.</p>

<p>Damn how did you get two majors done in three years? Does that three years include lower divison and GE classes as well? That’s extremely baller. How many units did you take during the normal quarters?</p>

<p>Math/Econ is actually a single, joint degree consisting of half upper div math and half upper div Econ. It includes just about all but a few more music classes for GEs.</p>

<p>Most quarters I’ve been taking 16-18 units, but last Spring I took 20 and this quarter I’m taking 24.</p>

<p>Now that is badass, I’m probably gonna have to do that too.</p>

<p>24? geeze…how do you have time left to breathe??</p>

<p>I consider breathing an extra-curricular activity–so weekends.</p>

<p>hahaha no doubt. kudos</p>