<p>So apparently they're giving aid to everyone now? Does that mean international students can ask for it now too?</p>
<p>Now, for my second question, I hope somebody can answer this.
So, I'm currently being processed for my green card. However, my parents already have theirs, and they can work.
For financial aid, it says if your parents work in the states, then you fill out the domestic financial aid form.
Does this mean that I'll be counted as a domestic student both for admissions and financial aid (despite the fact that I have no SSN currently to put down on the app.)?</p>
<p>This press release does not describe a new policy, per se. It is a statement by the university declaring that financial aid policies will not change despite the drop in endowment and weak financial climate.</p>
<p>It does not mean they are giving aid to everyone. The actual policies are not changing. Most international students are still ineligible (this depends on what country you come from - Mexicans and Canadians are eligible, for example). Your situation may or may not fit domestic student status wrt your green card. Call SFS (fin. aid) if you want definite answers.</p>
<p>How can your parents have their green cards and you don’t ? Green cards are given to everyone in the family at the same time since the whole family is processed together.</p>
<p>You have no idea how wrong you are. Why else do you think there is so much complaint about the immigration system and it having to be fixed.
The service center screwed up, and I’m leaving it at that.</p>
<p>“Now answer the question you little jerk” - John McCain</p>
<p>So you are telling me that your parents couldn’t work before their green cards are issued? The green card application process takes years for a change of status( since you obviously did not come on an immigrant visa ) and so are you saying they weren’t issued a work permit before and while their app was in progress?
That can hardly be true.</p>
<p>Seems like you are lazy since you are here asking questions.</p>
<p>And you ,sir, are a jerk.
I have school, and by the time it ends, their office is over due to the time difference.
Their website sheds no insight.
And no, they could work. They had their status before me.
It’s complicated, that’s why I’m leaving it at that.</p>
<p>I’m just annoyed that today, when I called up the SFS department, they gave me a different answer from what my regional director told me. GAH!</p>