About joining a club

<p>Would it be bad to not join a club your freshman year? Or is it ok to not start until sophomore year? My school has a lot of clubs, and I was going to do one that involved some type of community service. I'm not sure what most people do as far as doing clubs all 4 years of high school or what, or what colleges would usually expect.</p>

<p>Also, would colleges rather someone who did a sport for 4 years, or someone who used that elective spot to do another science course or something? I know they want to see well-rounded people, but I don't know if being in a sport for 4 years would seem like I am not dedicated enough to school.</p>


<p>Well, if your school has a Key Club (also known as Builder’s Club in some areas), then I suggest you join that. It is solely based on community service, and as far as I know, they aren’t too strict on attendance. Key Club is particularly easy to join and participate in. I was in it as a freshman, and it’s a great way to 1) meet volunteering requirements 2) meet new people.</p>

<p>Also, find something that you’re interested in. I know that’s the most cliche thing out there. Check with your counselors for a list of activities, and contact the advisers. </p>

<p>I’m not too sure about the second part. What type of sport are you talking about, and how does it take up your elective spot? I have a sport in the fall (girl’s swim) and in the spring (girl’s track), thus leaving my options open during the winter. </p>

<p>In my opinion, I say that you stick with your sport unless if you love it, but do some other activities as well - you don’t have to rotate your life around that sport. I have one friend who was a devoted dancer, but last year she was president of Key Club. I’ve also heard advice that if the sport takes up a lot of your life, you can write your essay app on that.</p>

<p>Keep your sport if you can. Join a couple clubs. Keep your grades up.</p>

<p>And most importantly, make the most out of high school. (:</p>

<p>Yes, we have a Key club and 2 other community service clubs that I was considering.</p>

<p>The sport is swimming, which is year round for us. Right now I’m on JV, which practices in the afternoon, but the coach is moving me up to varsity sometime this year, which practices at 5:30 in the morning. It doesn’t put a big strain on my schedule or anything, and I do enjoy it. And I mean it takes an elective up as in you either practice 1st or 7th period, so that is 1 class that you are using instead of doing some type of classroom course.</p>

<p>I’d say go join a club whenever you want, do it your freshman year, I think it would be beneficial. I’ve been at my school since my middle school years (which was a seperate part), but I have some clubs I’ve joined since I first came, and some since the start of this year.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of having your sport practices during the school day; I really hope you don’t think that having gym means you play sports.</p>