About Mills

<p>The neighborhood may not be great around this very stunningly beautiful campus
but that is no different than the neighborhoods around Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Rutgers, or cities like Chicago, Miami etc -- and other famous Schools!</p>

<p>You help create safety as does the school. Be City Smart!
The staff is very supportive! The food is great. </p>

<p>Womens Colleges like Mills offer you an opportunity to really explore and work on and discover your skill sets!</p>

<p>Yes... there are co-ed grad classes-- and if you have to find social situations with guys there are events at UC Berkeley, University of San Francisco, Hasting Law School, and many other local colleges and Universities--- AS well as a vibrant art and literary scene-- you just have to search for it.</p>

<p>This is a very diverse student population campus-- and will benefit you in many ways! Go for it!</p>

<p>Transportation? There is the NL bus right outside the gate and with your issued Clipper Card -- that takes you to and from Downtown San Francisco Transbay Terminal ... check out (AC Transit) then take MUNI when you get to SF which costs $2 per ride with a free transfer in SF) ) and if you need to get off campus there are many amazing places to explore in San Francisco what better place in the world can you go than San Francisco?... from SF Art Institute Lectures, World Affairs Council (offers student membership) Museums, art galleries and Exhibits,there is Golden Gate Park, the monthly candlelight labyrinth walk from 6-8 p.m, with music at Grace Cathedral, Excellent Views of SF and a great walk up to Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill, and student discounts at the famous SF Symphony, SF Ballet and SF Opera....and non-profits galore to volunteer with.</p>

<p>Then there is Chrissy Field, Lands End & Sutro Baths Ruins ( 38 & 38L Geary Bus from Downtown SF) and a walk down to the Beach! You can hop a bus to the Golden Gate Bridge...a Ferry to Sausalito--so many places to see-- </p>

<p>Check out San Francisco Young Professionals Network and NetIMpact and etc.</p>

<p>Take advantage of this amazing place - it is only four or two years ( if you transfer) of your life and will be a good segway into what every field you choose.</p>

<p>wow interesting.
but its an all girls school :(</p>

<p>Were you admitted NY?</p>

yes i got in with a scholarship. did you get in too ?</p>

<p>Yes I did.</p>

<p>Off topic but can I please get more information about the Mills work study program? How much does a student earn in work study per year? etc etc.</p>


<p>I think the M center would have this information. I might be wrong, but if you have been admitted I would contact them. Unless your looking for a current student’s perspective. When I did my over night visit they explained to me that there are all kinds of available work study programs that vary in difficulty and salary.</p>

<p>I just contacted someone from the M center. He told me that work study is only available to students who live on campus-- something I will not be doing. I am going to the admitted student preview day and I will definitely be talking to the M center about any other opportunities. I got my financial aid packet and its actually really good! But I have a gap of almost $10,000, and I was hoping work study would be able to help with that.</p>