About the ED letters

<p>I've applied Stern ED and im waiting for my reject/acceptance notice from NYU but it's kinda fuzzy for me right now</p>

<p>So the thing is that I live in a south east asian country that takes literally forever for any mails and fedex packages to get through; even text books that my school ordered from the States took three months to actually get to the school from the port. </p>

<p>Since this is the deal, if NYU sends out decisions by mail before the notification due date but it doesn't arrive before then, is there another way that ppl that live abroad can check their status? Or do I just have to live in agony, waiting for the purple letter?</p>

<p>Btw my classmate got an email from W&M today telling her she's accepted.
I'm so happy for her cuz she really liked the school, but then now i have like what 11 days till decisions are out!</p>

<p>I hope NYU sends out mail notifications to ppl abroad as well, because i think it'd be nice to see it on paper than just a email even if i get rejected..</p>

<p>If it’s the same as last year you will recieve an email (before everyone else gets there acceptance in the mail) and you will also get the package in the mail Good luck to you!!</p>

<p>For international applicants NYU only sends decisions by e-mail. So, you’ll know within the next 12 days.</p>

<p>so the email is what i sould be waiting for.
wow this is so tantalizing…
there have been posts on other forums saying they got acceptance notifications already, and i asked my friend about it today and he told me those ppl are the ppl that colleges just take right away after looking at their applications because they’re such good applicants… i wonder if this is true.</p>

<p>Anyways, thanks for the replies!</p>

<p>I live in Puerto Rico, which really isn’t considered outside the U.S. but some people do and some people don’t. Anyone have any idea how NYU treats it with notification?</p>

<p>Yea i guess it’s the subject of interest for everyone and will be for the next two weeks or so.</p>

<p>Anyone know the number of freshmen applicants and the number accepted to Stern every year? NYU did report that the number of applicants still increased compared to last year despite the economic downturn and the credit crunch…</p>
