About the Math Requirements and a couple of things

<p>I am/I was horrible at Math:</p>

<p>I passed Geometry in 9th grade with C/C+
I passed Algebra II in 10th grade with a C/C
I failed Math Analysis w/Trigonometry in 1th grade D/F</p>

<p>My school counselor says that I can’t use the Algebra I class I took in 8th grade towards the requirement?But I read you can.Can someone clarify this???</p>

<p>And can I complete courses in 12th grade to help satisfy the requirement?
If it does satisfy,should I retake the Math Analysis course or just go for AP Statistics and Probability.</p>

<h2>If the Algebra I doesn’t count than I’m planning on taking Statistics and Probability along with Math Analysis.</h2>

<p>As of right now I have a 3.44 weighted GPA (I think that is close to somewhere down near 3.0 for my un-weighted)
I’m a CA resident ( I live in Southern CA)
I’m an Asian male.
Class rank:Top 25%
Class size:~900 students
I’ve taken 16 semesters of AP/Honors courses out of 38 courses.
SAT score:1980
SAT Subject:
US History-720

<p>I’m doing Choir my senior year.
I’ll have 2 years as a member in my school’s Support for Freshman Program
I’ve been a 3 year member of Key Club International
I’ll be in Junior States of America next year.</p>

<p>Any chance at a UC?With 3 more tries in 2008 at the SAT i’m hoping I can get 2160+ on the SAT.</p>

<p>Having completed Geometry with passing grades and Algebra II with passing grades you have fulfilled the minimum requirement for UC Admissions. The passing grades in Algebra II validate the Algebra I course; note that Algebra II does not Validate Geometry but, you have completed that requirement already. Although, the counselor is right; the Algebra course in the 8th grade year will not be used towards the requirement. We will only use the Geometry and Algebra II towards the requirement.</p>

<p>I'd recommend reviewing the required courses for graduation for the major(s) you are interested in studying. Those courses might require Statistics or some level of Mathematics. Depending on these requirements you might decide to continue with math to prepare you for these college level math courses.</p>

<p>I want to major in Political Science.Ideally I'd only want to take AP Statistics and Probabilities because it's useful for what I want to do and I heard the teacher at my school is very good and the passing rate is also very high (Majority of his students also passed the AP exam with a 3 or higher).</p>

<p>However,I failed Pre-calculus,so.............I should probably retake the course?</p>

<p>Last thing I want to do is to take up 2 math classes my senior year,what should I do at this point?I personally want to finish with 4 years of mathematics.</p>

<p>I would work with your high school counselor to discuss your schedule to make sure taking two math courses is possible and to decide on a plan to get you into AP statistics.</p>

<p>Wow, UCD Admissions, you have superb grammatical skills.
Well, I'm not really contributing to this thread.
:) Good luck in your math classes.</p>

<p>I've been hearing that a D and/or F automatically disqualifies you for admission to any UC campus.But I've heard otherwise.Is this true?Can anyone confirm or refute this?</p>

<p>I really don't want my college outlook to be determined by one freaking class I took my junior year,that I hated. I'm retaking it my Senior year.</p>

<p>There isn't a single factor that will automatically disqualify from admissions to a UC Campus. D/F grades will have an effect on your admission but isn't an automatic disqualification.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying UCD Admissions,in your opinion how do I explain my situation to the certain UC i'm applying to?I was never good at math,just barely able to pass in my pass math classes,yet I don't remember ever not asking for help (i.e going in after school,asking parents,etc), I do the homework,and I study,yet I get nearly the same results if I didn't study.</p>

<p>I think when a UC sees you're weak in a subject, they look to see if you kept on pursuing it up to the AP level.</p>


<p>By definition, if you mee the minimum eligibility requirements you will be accepted at a UC, but it may not be your top choice campus. </p>

<p>AP Stats is a great course. The math itself is not difficult (only requires Alg 1 knowledge), but the applications require conceptual thinking. Since you struggle with math, IMO, you would be better served repeating the failed course. For UC purposes, precalc is considered the 4th year of math, even with Alg I at middle school. (AP is a fifth year.)</p>

<p>Yeah as of right now, I'm still not sure what I should do math wise.</p>

<p>I have great confidence that I'll get at least a B in AP Statistics supposedly the passing rate for that class at my school is relatively high.We covered a chapter of introductory Stats&Prob in my Pre-calc class and that exam was the very few I passed.My friends who took the class, said the teacher was really good,plus little homework, and the tests are easy, just formula memorization. </p>

<p>On the other hand, Pre-calculus, although it'll be my 2nd go around, I still feel I won't do too good unless I get a different teacher.In fact, 2nd semester was REALLY hard for me, I virtually understood nothing, I don't want the extra burden on me during senior year, where I can get my admissions revoked.</p>


<p>So I decided to forgo the Pre-calculus class.Instead i'm taking AP Statistics&Probabilities.</p>

-I'm still kind of etchy on the whole "retake" idea.
-I think the math will and is easier to grasp.
-The teacher is excellent.
-Kind of goes back to my first point, I don't want to fail the class again and get my admissions revoked.
-Still satisfies the math requirement</p>

<p>I took Algebra 1 in 7th, Geometry in 8th, Alg 2 in 9th and Pre-Cal in 10th and none since. Will UC look at me as having 4 years of math(recommended)?</p>

<p>^^yes, Pre-Calc is considered Year 4 of a typical HS math sequence.</p>

<p>lol someone stats him I wanna see his chances at all the uc schools. Cause im like some what of a similiar boat as u</p>
