<p>Hello all. This is my first post, and, first off, I just want to thank all of you guys, for being a part of this site and helping us pour louts with all things college-related.</p>
<p>Now, on to my question: I've read somewhere that it's a good idea to have a subject area already researched out, for the essay section, prior to going in to take the SAT. Eg, if you have an interest in biology, you could research dehydrated pet animals as your subject. (Just an inside joke for those of you who've read the book in question... I was only kidding, PETA. Please don't sue me, lol)</p>
<p>This is especially useful if you don't happen to study current events much (although I do plan to, in the coming 3 months) and don't have too many "personal experiences" to write about, although of course, you could always make up the latter, within reason. (Something I might resort to, if I can't answer the essay question satisfactorily with my chosen subject) </p>
<p>Which takes me to my chosen subject: WWII. </p>
<p>My question for you guys, is this: Is this a good enough subject for the essay section of the SAT? Eg, is it a broad enough category for the kinds of questions I'm going to be getting? Is it appropriate? etc. If it's not, can you maybe suggest any other subject category that would be better?</p>
<p>And, also, did any of you guys (and gals ;) ) who've taken the SAT already use this strategy, if so, did it work, and what was the subject you used? </p>
<p>Comments, answers, and replies are much, much, very much appreciated. If I could hug you guys for answering, and be your forever friend, and buy you all lunch for answering, I would. My eternal gratitude will have to do. :)</p>