I was placed on academic for the first time after my Fall 2017 semester. Was by far the worst semester grades wise I ever had. This year alone has been extremely tough with my parents separating (were never married) after 25 years and the! going into my spring semester I had found out my grandmother who practically raised me was diagnosed with cancer. Not to be a sob story but I recently realized that these events have affected me more than I had thought. I am struggling again this semester and am probably going to receive an F in one of my classes resulting in me being on academic probation again which according to school policy could result in my disqualification. I have never had one single violation with the school or had terrible grades (not exceptional ones either) and am terrified of being kicked out of university. I have had a friend be on academic probation two semesters in a row as well but because there was summer break between those two semesters it had changed his situation. He said he was put on the second level of academic probation which I was not aware existed. Could it be that there is a actually a second level that happens after your first level of academic probation? If there is not and I end up appealing due to my family issues above do you think I have a good chance of being reinstated.?