Academic Probation

<p>I just finished my first year at UCM, and after my first semester, I got a 1.45 GPA, and was place on “Special Academic Probation” without me writing an appeal, since anything lower than 1.5 GPA is kicked from the school. I try my hardest the next semester, and got a 1.771 GPA. My cumulative GPA is 1.866. (My teacher promised a curve, but didn’t apply it on our final grade. I have no one better to blame than myself for relying on the curve so much) In that class, about 80/130 students failed. So my question is, what are my options? What are the chances of a successful appeal?
What would you guys recommend me to do? Because I don’t think talking to an advisor would help. Please give me a suggestion. </p>

<p>Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>Go to a CC and raise your grades. Your chances are not that great of avoiding S.T.D.</p>