Academic regalia.

<p>I have a question about the colors that professors wear at graduation ceremonies. I understand it is based on field. Lets just sat somebody graduates with an advanced degree in a social science from a Ag college. Lets just say rural sociology from the University of Wisconsin's College of Agriculture and life sciences.. Would their academic color be the color for the social sciences or for agriculture?</p>

<p>Here are the list of colors for a reference- Academic</a> regalia in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>It is usually determined by the department. Wikipedia’s listings are common, not universal. Each school determines its own regalia, and that is what you wear.</p>

<p>The color reference on Wikipedia refers to tassels and hood linings. Gown colors seem to be dictated by the university or department. (Not that tassel colors are always standardized either. My own college gives undergraduates tassels in their class color, and all Master’s candidates get black tassels regardless of their field.)</p>

<p>The hood color you’ll see depends upon the school you graduated from. It’s generally done in your school’s colors. For example, I know my school’s is blue and orange while my undergrad’s was plaid (which I like better :().</p>