I’ve been placed on Academic Suspension for a year. In order for me to go back to school, I must write an appeal. I’ve finished it but before I submit it, the appeal must be proofread to make sure there is no grammar or spelling errors. I was hoping if there are any English majors who wouldn’t’t mind proofreading my appeal to make sure I meet the requirements. I will greatly appreciate it.
Have you been suspended previously?
No. 2014-15 was my first year on academic suspension.
What led to your poor academic performance?
What led me to my poor academic performance was not being strongly focused on my academics as I
should have been. I was focused in all the classes I had to take. However, not as focused to do all the
homework. Another reason for my poor academic performance was not taking my probation seriously.
Which resulted into me being suspended for a year.
How have your circumstances changed allowing you to now perform at a satisfactory level?
The circumstances that has changed were learning my lesson by being suspended from school for a year.
A lesson I would or will not want repeated. I have come to a conclusion for me not meeting the
satisfactory level, this conclusion is not studying the right major. My lesson learned maybe me rethink
about the major I was studying. I’ve realized majoring in English is not the career for me. The major I
would like to study is Sociology. Sociology is the right field for me to study.
How do you plan to succeed?
I plan to succeed by taking 60 credit hours to enroll in. Or however, many credit hours to finish my
general education courses. After I finish my general education requirements, I plan to take however many
credit hours that will allow me to start my required course for my degree. I also plan to retake the courses
I’ve failed or have gotten an incomplete for a grade.
Another way I plan to succeed is the support I will need from my close family and friends. With my plans
to succeed, I can not only meet the satisfactory level for the university but my satisfactory level.
My plan:
My realistic plan to meet on what I need to accomplish is to do the work and homework for the courses I
will be taking. I will do the assignments that are assigned in those courses and hand those assignments in
when they are due. Math is the most challenging subject I have difficulties in. With the help the university
provides for math, or any subject, I plan to pass math with an acceptable or achievable grade.
My plan also includes frequent visits with my advisor throughout the semester. I will go to them, if I have
any troubles that involve my education so they can help me with the troubles in which I acquired. I plan
to be the better and more focused student I know I can be, if I am re-admissions into the university. When
it comes to my education, I want or need to take each and every step to help me earn my degree seriously.
P.S Please don’t be afraid to give me hard criticism or if anything needs to be changed.