<p>I was placed on academic prohibition in the summer after freshman year. I made the mistake of staying in a chemistry class which I ended up failing. As a freshman I did not realize how difficult it was to juggle 3 different science classes. I did not have any real guidance or experience. I tried to rush myself and take all the classes, when that was not the point. When I had gone to the adviser after my first semester, the adviser just asked me what classes I was going to take and said ok and the meeting was over...
(majoring in bme, if that helps)</p>
<p>Since my failure in that chemistry class, I retook the course at community college during the summer. Brought my gpa up by retaking and getting A's and B's in classes I had gotten D's in. My gpa was 1.83.</p>
<p>Now, after the spring of sophomore year, I have been placed on academic suspension because my gpa was not 2.00 or above. It was my mistake to take difficult classes and got mostly C's and a D so my gpa did not change much. What will i have to do now because i have to sit out a semester? Will the university readmit me into the engineering school? </p>
<p>From high school I did have credits from ap classes. So now i have to complete only my humanities course and theater/arts course for general requirements.</p>
<p>I also want to eventually transfer from this university because it feels like a dead end for me. What are my chances in getting into another university's engineering school.</p>
<p>I don't want to get my parents hopes down. The future is very unclear to me right now...?</p>
<p>Honestly, anyone who answers your question about whether the university will readmit you is merely speculating. This is a question that you can only have answered by someone at your university. Clearly your advisor has not been of much help so try asking the Academic Affairs office.</p>
<p>Your school probably has a reinstatement appeal process. I know for mine (I’m going through the same thing right now) you print out the form, fill it out, have your department chair sign it, and turn it in. I don’t know how strict your university is, but mine is said to ALWAYS reinstate students if it’s their first offense. The only exception might be if they were suspended for violence or something. Anyway, if that were the case, then you’d be good to go for the fall semester. I met with my dean of students who was really helpful as was my department chair. They both discussed my reasons for doing poorly with me and went over possible action plans and said that once reinstated (and both said my reinstatement was definite - appeal just a technicality now) I would have to go to counseling in the fall. So I would check out your school’s policies, make sure you know all that you can about it from their website and student handbook, and meet with whomever usually talks to students about academic hardship like a dean of students. </p>
<p>Make sure you also check your financial aid status as well. Mine is now “failing SAP standards” and it’s causing a lot of problems. It’s much more difficult to appeal than reinstatement. Not that the forms are more complicated, but the appeal committee is always much more strict.</p>
<p>As far as transferring in the future, it will depend on the admission requirements of the future college. They’ll take every grade you have and count it into your GPA, so you’ll have to make sure your GPA is high enough to meet their minimum requirements before applying. From what I’ve read though the suspension will not stay on your transcripts. Once you’re reinstated, it’s gone, but the college will still see those failing grades. However, as long as your GPA is up, they may not care. It’s totally dependent on that university’s standards and how strict they are with transfer students.</p>
<p>right now im under an academic plan for the summer semester. the only way to keep away from getting suspended again is to take classes that are graded not the pass no pass ones. its putting me in a rut right now because i need my general ed and they are not graded. i have to try for socio or psych and those are very difficult classes in a regular semester. im down and dont know if the financial aid will push the academic plan back a semester so i can start it in the fall or not. just basically venting and looking for others with same experiences.</p>