Academy nominations

I have yet to write my essay to submit for consideration of a nomination. I would appreciate if a former midshipman, alumni, parent, etc. would speak with me about how I can best write an essay with the prompt I’m given (I’m confused, and kind of overthinking) and hopefully look over and peer edit my work?

I apologize for asking so much, but I feel like this is the only option, since my own guardians have given up on my dream to attend.

Regardless of the prompt you are given, you need to answer it from your own reserves without outside assistance, certainly not with help from Internet strangers who could be giving you bad advice.*

Most of the prompts for academy admissions and congressional nominations are looking to understand why you want to become an officer in one of our armed services, and only you can answer that. It’s best to be brief, sincere, on point, and grammatically correct. The military is not grading you on creativity. The nomination panel wants to understand your motivation for seeking an appointment along with a glimpse of the stuff you’re made of. Whatever the question is, answer it directly and don’t second guess what you think they might want to hear. What they want is your answer, so roll up your sleeves and give it your best shot.

*Full Disclosure: I am an Internet stranger and parent of a newly commissioned Army officer who chose USMA over USNA.