Acapella competitiveness?

<p>I've got a few compliments from friends on my singing, so I'm considering trying out for a few groups at the beginning of the spring semester. I've never really sung as anything more than just for fun, so I was wondering how competitive auditions are for these groups (e.g. Cayuga's Waiters, Last Call, The Hangovers, etc.).</p>

<p>If it’s anything like my present school, then it depends on the group, and if they charge for their shows or not.</p>

<p>It probably depends on what individual groups need from semester to semester. Strong rock-belting voice? Ability to croon ballads? Comedic flair? Although being an all-around good singer certainly helps, it’s more about how your voice and personality fit with those of the existing group…kind of like college admissions :stuck_out_tongue: Most of them seem to have fairly high standards (some higher than others) for ability and dedication.</p>

<p>I really don’t know much about the other groups, but to audition for the Hangovers you have to pass the two rounds of Glee Club auditions first, and you can’t choose them over the Glee Club, i.e. you can’t deactivate from Glee Club but remain active in the Hangovers. That’s a big time commitment, although it shouldn’t discourage you from auditioning!</p>