<p>In theory, whats the better entry level job? Whats the better midlevel job (4-8 years assuming one lasts at either that long)? What has better exit options besides going for an MBA?</p>
<p>Or is it Accenture (Andersen Consulting ten years ag0) = Big 4 advisory > Big4 audit/tax?</p>
<p>I’m assuming you are an MIS person. The answer is, I don’t know and don’t think most people on this board know. Accenture is the big dog in that line of work, though I don’t know if it has a reputation for just hiring any idiot or what. Walmart is the big dog in retailing and getting a job with them isn’t exactly prestigious. </p>
<p>The Big Four only have the top reputation for accounting jobs. Not sure about IT advisory. MBA’s and lawyers from top schools do not go to the Big Four except as a last resort. Advisory in Big Four includes many things, some are more highly sought after job than others. The ones relating to financial transactions/M&A etc are the ones that are hard to get, IT Advisory jobs aren’t.</p>