<p>Hi All. First post. I am a senior in highschool and getting ready to apply to colleges. Last year I did something really stupid. I brought alcohol to school and had to go to court. I was not arrested though. I recieved a court summons in mail. I had to go before a juvenille referee and he gave me a 4 month period of differed disposition. I think he checked with my school to make sure I wasn't getting in trouble. After the four months it was dismissed. He said it is on my record though, and can get expunged once I'm 18. All my college apps are do way before then and they ask if I have ever been convicted of a misdemeanor. Do you think I can still get accepted? Specifcally, does anyone know if Richard Stockton College of New Jersey would still accept with a misdemeanor? Thanks for any help you can give.</p>