Acceptance [LA resident, 4.0 UW GPA, 29 ACT, Animal Science major]

There appears to be other Texas publics including slam dunk Tech.

A&M is a great option. My son got some great deals in Animal Science from Texas Tech, Mississippi State, Auburn and Kansas State where he ended up going. Low COL there and he loves the atmosphere. There are so many geed choices.


@Tmccoy I would apply test optional, not include the 29 ACT, when applying to A&M. The 29 will not help.
Absolutely apply to Texas Tech, as well! New vet school!

We already applied and put her ACT score. She is retaking in Oct and hoping she will raise her score a few points.

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We have talked about Mississippi state also. I think we will go tour there soon.

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This is great info, thank you so much, we will definitely look into this.

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Yes, it would be a huge blessing, we are just trying to figure it all out because we keep getting different answers from different people at A&M as far as her getting Hazelwood. She lives in Louisiana with me and her father is from Texas. We have been told he is the one who has to prove residency, but then some people say she has to be a resident of Texas, but everything I read says it is HIM who has to prove his residency. We are so very confused and cannot seem to get a straight answer and that truly is the biggest factor of her attending there. Without hazelwood, OOS tuition is basically not an option. I am a single mother and I do not want her drowning in college debt when she graduates.

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Thank you so much for all of this info. She has been shadowing our local vet for 3 years now so she has really done great in preparing herself for this program. She also dog walks/dog sits for many families here. It is so overwhelming honestly.

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Definitely going to check into Mississippi state, thank you!

Thereā€™s lots of info about animal science programs on a budget in this very recent thread.

In the Southeast you have the Academic Common Market but I donā€™t see a corresponding major there. Hope this thread helps. Itā€™s titled equine but also list Animal Science schools.

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@Tmccoy we live in Texas, have friends who have used Hazelwood. I could be wrong, but I think student mustā€™ve been born in Texas, at the time military parent was active & declared Texas home state. Was your daughter born in Texas, while father was stationed in Texas?

From what we are told, the Parent had to have entered military while in Texas and be a current resident of Texas. The conflicting parts we are getting is for the dependent to use it, we have been told only the dad has to prove his residency, but then another person has said the dependent has to prove residency for one year of Texas. We cannot get a solid answer yet.


Here are a couple links-

(I would contact this office, over AggieOneStop)

but I would also encourage your daughter to tour Texas Tech, if youā€™re needing to use Hazelwood.
Donā€™t put all your eggs in A&M basket, being OOS with a 29 ACT is going to put her far down the holistic list. She really needs a 33 to be ā€˜safeā€™

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Thank you we have read through all of that and it continues to point toward the parent having to be the one to prove residency. It is very confusing.

Not sure how itā€™s ā€œappliedā€ to get the $$ - but there are lots of wonderful merit awards out there for your child. Just make sure she has a few she likes - in case the TX free thing doesnā€™t happen.

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Veteran mustā€™ve been a Texas resident when he enlisted-thatā€™s his ā€˜home of recordā€™.
The VA office on A&M campus will be your best bet to get clarification.


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