Class of 2020 chances?

I am currently a senior in high school and am ranked 148/880 with a 3.83 gpa, and I have an SAT score of a 1570 with an ACT score of a 23, I don’t fall under the academic admission because my math and reading scores are not currently high enough.
I also have taken many AP and pre-ap classes, and have been heavily involved in extracurricular activities all throughout high school.
Yearbook for 3 years, 2 have been as an editor
Key Club for 3 years (volunteering organization) have held an officer position for all 3 years
FFA- for 2 years
I also have a job at a veterinary clinic
I am interested in majoring in either biomedical or animal science.
My schedule for my senior year is

  1. English IV-dual credit
    2.Government-dual credit
    3.Ecomonics-pre AP
    4.Statistics AP
  2. Anatomy pre AP
    6.Vetertinary science lab class
    I also have early release from school, but that is because I have a job and work 20 hours a week.

I have already applied and been accepted to SFA, Texas Tech, and A&M-Corpus Christi, but A&M is my true dream school, and any insight is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

You are currently a junior and you are applying to colleges? Can you clarify that?

@gettingschooled sorry about that. I am a senior I promise :stuck_out_tongue: I posted this thread when I was a junior and tweaked it some, just to see if anyone has some more feed back, I forgot to change that part!

Can the vet you work for write a letter of recommendation? With your test scores, you are going to need something to give you a bump.

I had the vet I work for and my English teacher from last year write my recommendation letters.

Any chance you can take the October SAT and score higher?

I think you are probably looking at Blinn Team or PSA based on others I have seen unless your application has a wow factor. 20 hours a week at a vet clinic is pretty impressive to me, but I am not sure how unique it is for those you are competing against.

I’ve taken the SAT three times, I don’t think a fourth time is going to make any difference, but thank you!