<p>Lol, I met with the coach once in October and never talked to him again. One of his team just told me this week that I was actually on his recruited list.</p>
<p>Hmm, it’s definitely not just “homeschooled, a URM, recruited athlete, or international” who received likelies because I’m non-athlete (never even took actual gym during high school… score!), not homeschooled, and living in US… and Asian. (In my humble opinion, Asians aren’t so high on the list of URMs… :P) I do have pretty good stats, but I mean… there are PLENTY of people on CC and other places who’ve done some pretty smashingly fantastic things and I haven’t. So, does that mean Columbia sent many likelies? I dunno… maybe not? maybe so? Again, we return to step one. :)</p>
<p>It doesn’t seem that the ‘likely’ letter is a common thing. Whereas it’s no guarantee, it’s as close as can be to an acceptance letter. Basically, unless one gets a bad midyear report or something that is significantly negative, they’re in. The letter congratulates the applicant and asks them to save the dates for admitted students campus visit, etc.</p>
<p>And also, has anyone heard of someone who recieved a “likely” letter, and ended up being rejected for no legitimate reason?</p>
<p>Keep in mind that there WILL be accepted students who hadn’t recieved a “likely” letter, so you might still get accepted, and it would be a bigger surprise!</p>
<p>I got the likely letter, and I’m ecstatic! I’ve been wanting to go to Columbia for as long as I can remember!</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>I’m so excited. I just received one (by email)!!!</p>