<p>Ok, so my question goes a little something like this. Oberlin's overall acceptance rate seems to quoted around 30-34%, specifically by the Princeton Review. Now I'm assuming that rate <em>includes</em> the conservatory. Given that the Conservatory is super-hyper-extra-over-emphatically competitive, is admission to the College of A&S somewhat higher without that group factored in? Thanks for any insight.</p>
<p>Oberlin calculates them separately. In 2008, the college had a 36% acceptance rate, comparable to other “self-selecting” schools like University of Chicago. The conservatory has a 25% acceptance rate, far higher than Juilliard or Curtis, but around the same as many other top conservatories. The conservatory acceptance rate is more complicated because it is an overall rate, but there is a wide range in the rate department by department in the conservatory.<br>
The information can be found here:
[Institutional</a> Research](<a href=“http://oberlin.edu/instres/irhome/]Institutional”>http://oberlin.edu/instres/irhome/)</p>
<p>As mamenyu says, the acceptance rate in the low 30%s is for the College of Arts & Sciences only, not the Conservatory.</p>