Acceptance rate for int'l students in transfer admission

<p>There is usually large difference between domestic and int'l students in their acceptance rate in transfer admission of UC schools. But how about other schools' admission? Is such tendency quite common? Even in top schools?</p>

<p>Yes, particularly at selective schools that offer need based FA to Intl. applicants.</p>

<p>Some thoughts from USN&WR:</p>

<p>[What</a> Are Some Tips for International Students Applying to U.S. Colleges? - College Admissions Q&As (](<a href=ā€œ]Whatā€></p>

<p>I know intl students have to pay a lot more tuition</p>

<p>^For public colleges, tuition for Intls. is the same as OOS students. For privates, tuition is the same for all students.</p>

<p>They may end up paying more due to less need based FA available to Intl. applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, but to tell the truth, Iā€™m not so much concerned with tuition but just acceptance rate. I will probably not apply for financial aid, then.</p>