<p>What is the acceptance rate from the waitlist?..especially the priority list??</p>
<p>What should I do for this last month.
I really am in neeed of carnegie at this moment.</p>
I have applied to MCS..</p>
<p>What is the acceptance rate from the waitlist?..especially the priority list??</p>
<p>What should I do for this last month.
I really am in neeed of carnegie at this moment.</p>
I have applied to MCS..</p>
<p>they say 20%</p>
<p>i guess it depends on the school you applied to.
some are popular than others, so the acceptance rate varies.</p>
<p>do they give everyone the chance to go on the priority wait list?</p>
<p>yes .</p>
<p>hmm....that kinda sucks</p>
<p>apparently a lot of kids priority too...</p>
<p>yea Carnegie Mellon will be off my college list by tomorrow</p>
<p>Because I don't want to wait for Carnegie Mellon (I already got into Case Western and BU) and I don't wanna spend another $600 on deposit haha</p>
<p>and I have a feeling financial aid from them is gonna SUCK and if I do priority I won't be able to negotiate</p>
<p>I don't think that's right. You may want to check with them.</p>
<p>Anyway from other years here's my understanding, of course it may be different this year: PriorityWL is their top wait-listed kids, you don't have a choice whether you're on PWL (smaller) or regular wait list (bigger). But whichever one of the two you're assigned, you can choose to be on it, or not (if you decline to be on your CMU PWL or reg WL, whichever one you're assigned to, you just go to whatever other university you send your deposit by May 1).</p>
<p>Then a week or so after May1, if CMU has openings in any schools, they'll call you if you're on a wait list for that school. Realistically, that means the PWL. They'd have to exhaust the entire PWL before they go the the regular wl which I doubt would happen. It's ordered obviously. If you take a spot on PWL you've got a chance. If they call in May they'll want an answer soon, like right away or within a day or two. That may seem unfair but remember, as soon as you are offered and accept your PWL option around now, you start thinking what you'll do IF you get the call in May, so you actually have about a month to prepare for what your answer will be. If you accept, you'll lose your deposit at the other school. It's not like ED...if you get the call on PWL and decide in the meantime you'll be happy at some other school, you just tell them no. If you have any desire to attend CMU then accept the PWL if it's offered to you.</p>
<p>Every year there is PWL activity, including here on CC, you can check archives for somewhere around early May. This is basically how it worked in other years.</p>
Every year there is PWL activity
<p>a what?? what is that? like a welcome week?</p>
<p>2331clk - I got the letter today and I have the choice of going on the Priority or Regular Waitlist. However, when I asked the student on carnegiemvcone (AIM), he said that everyone is offered the opportunity to go on the priority waitlist..and you have 24 hours to decide....I'm not going to count them out yet (I'll wait for my financial aid offer) but if the offer is not good, then I don't think I will accept considering I'm getting over 36,000 from Case Western</p>
<p>Oh no, sorry, I meant people here on CC forum have reported getting that call in early May and getting into CMU that way. Every year as I recall but perhaps not every school within CMU ('action' may have been a better word than 'activity').</p>
<p>hmm, I certainly could be wrong, although it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. Not how I remember it in other years though. If there's a choice, why would anyone NOT pick PWL if they are going to be on a waitlist (asking because I don't know, not to argue)? If you go PWL and they call you in May, you can still decline.</p>
<p>I think its because of the small window of time you get to decide (24 hours) so you basically need to know whether or not you want to go and get no time to mull it over. Also, you can't present other college's offers for financial aid, etc.</p>