
<p>Accepted from Indiana!! I did not get the scholarship email.
30 ACT
3.59 GPA
Mostly band extracurriculars and NHS</p>

<p>Accepted from California! Applied on 10/7. Also did not get the scholarship email
3.79/4.11 GPA
2150 SAT
Very good recs/essays, solid extracurriculars.
On Wisconsin!</p>

<p>Accepted from California, applied 11/8 or around then
Major: Chemistry</p>

<p>2160 SAT (700 Math 730 Writing 730 CR), 4.09 GPA</p>

<p>Only will have taken 3 APs by end of this year: Chem, Spanish, Calc AB, but took a handful of honors courses each year since soph year.</p>

-Spanish NHS,
-Contributor to Spanish language newsletter
-Contributor to school’s artwork magazine
-Independent chemistry research project during junior year, doing another this year
-Materials science internship over the summer
-JV tennis
-Lots of summer camp volunteering</p>

<p>Great essays, got a rec from my AP chem teacher and my boss from my internship</p>

<p>Also applied and accepted to UIUC</p>

<p>got deferred tonight…</p>

<p>30 ACT
3.7 GPA
7 APs
A sibling that is a current student at UW
Ton of ECs
Captain of 3 teams
4 years of varsity on 4 teams</p>

<p>when do the postponed students find out their actual decision? and how do you upload your grades online?</p>

<p>Daughter was deferred</p>


<p>Is postponed the same as wait listed?</p>

<p>no postponed means you applied early action or early decision and that the school doesn’t want to reject you, but they dont want to offer you admission until they see who applied regular decision. So if you have been postponed, you will hear an official decision when the regular decision applicants here. Waitlisted means that you were not offered admission but you can accept the waitlist and if anyone accepted decides not to attend the school, you might be selected to take their place.</p>

<p>Accepted from Colorado. 3.9 GPA, 31 ACT</p>

<p>Applied around mid October. I was accepted late November…
OOS from Florida
good luck to all :)</p>

<p>Buddy got in with a 26 act and a 4.0 GPA… Feeling pretty down, haven’t gotten a decision yet which leads me to believe its a denial. I have a 27 act and a 3.6 GPA</p>

<p>STILL haven’t heard.
4.0 UW/ 32 ACT.</p>

<p>Any chance of hearing this Friday?</p>

<p>Son hasn’t heard either. In-state. My freshman daughter didn’t hear until 1/14/13 so I’m not too optimistic about my son getting a decision before the new year.</p>

<p>California and heard last night. Accepted!
35 ACT
4.0 GPA 4.55 weighted GPA</p>

<p>re post #368. UW has rolling admissions, there is no “early action” or “early decision”. ALL applications are “regular”.</p>

<p>People who had the complete application in by a certain date (Nov 1?) will get an answer by a certain date, before the application deadline- this could be accepted, postponed or rejected. Postponed just means you have to wait until UW admissions reviews more incoming applications to decide if you are in or not. The application deadline is still more than a month from now (Feb 1?). Once all of the completed applications have been reviewed UW can decide on that large middle bunch of applicants who have been postponed.</p>

<p>Wait listing happens after all final decisions are made in the spring. It could happen that there is no wait list- it all depends on how many accepted applicants choose UW. Some will say yes to UW, putting down a deposit et al but then change their minds when a more favored school accepts them this coming spring.</p>

<p>Just got my acceptance email. OOS from Oregon
3.86 UW/4.25 W GPA and 31 ACT.
Got into Michigan Engineering yesterday afternoon too!
Did not receive a scholarship email</p>

<p>Any chance of hearing this Friday?
Is admissions still working through the holidays?</p>

<p>Hope so. Looks like there were decisions the friday after christmas last year.</p>

<p>Only students and faculty get those long breaks.</p>

<p>For my son:
Accepted OOS from Oregon
gpa 3.73 uw, ACT 28
did get scholarship email. </p>

<p>I (mom) am a Badger alum. Woohoo!!</p>