

ACT 32
GPA 3.96
7 AP classes
Lots of ECs and community service</p>

<p>Applied 10/29. Admitted 1/17. Both parents are Alums</p>

<p>Admitted from Northern Illinois region!</p>

<p>judysnowflake I didn’t take ACTs, but I took the SATs instead. But if you’re interested to know, I got 2100 for my highest sitting.</p>

<p>Accepted! :)</p>

31 ACT and 3.994 UW GPA</p>

<p>Accepted :)</p>

<p>Thank goodness, SaraCo! Ive been following your story, I was getting worried!</p>

<p>Accepted! I’m kind of surprised!</p>

3.84 UW gpa
top 12%
ACT 24
6 AP’s</p>

<p>Son was accepted!!!
He will join his sister who is a Freshman there now. I will have 2 Badgers this fall!</p>

<p>Thanks @Humanity23. Me too!</p>

<p>Has anyone not heard yet? My son applied for the first period notification and still has not heard. He received the email about mid year grades, but won’t get those until after the notification period</p>

<p>Congratulations on all the recent acceptances. For those still waiting, I hope you hear good news soon!</p>

<p>Accepted, CALS
GPA W- 4.2
UW GPA- 4.0
ACT- 29 (32/28/32/33)
Top 10%
Very good ECs (DECA President and Founder/Lacrosse Captain/ Football State Champ/ Michigan Boy’s State Delegate)
Essays were pretty good as were recs</p>

<p>For those recently admitted as well as those still waiting; the incoming freshmen scholarship application deadlines are soon:</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> | Student Academic Affairs](<a href=“]Scholarships”></p>

<p>[Scholarships@UW-Madison</a> | Organization Details](<a href=“Our Opportunities - Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH)”>Our Opportunities - Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH))</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> - College of Engineering @ University of Wisconsin Madison](<a href=“]Scholarships”></p>

<p>I was postponed, so I guess that means waiting until end of March? Seriously, how many do they put on the postpone list? Is that the same as waitlist? Probably best to to move on elsewhere?</p>

<p>Postponed is not the same as waitlist.</p>

<p>Many students are admitted each year after being postponed. In comparison, often zero students are admitted from the waitlist.</p>

<p>Here are the FAQs regarding postponement:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>So do they tell you if you are waitlisted? I don’t see that as an admission decision on their website…it’s confusing</p>

<p>I believe waitlisting happens later in spring like this to postponed students: admit, waitlist offer, or deny.</p>

<p>“When our admission counselors review an application, they make one of three admission decisions—admit, deny, or postpone. A postponed decision means a student is neither admitted nor denied at the time of the initial review. The application is held for further consideration. If a student receives an invitation to join the wait list, he or she has a chance to be admitted if space becomes available after May 1. Only viable candidates are offered a spot on the wait list.”</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Admission Guidelines | UW > HELP](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>and scroll down to UW-Madison</p>

<p>I have two kids who applied and both were accepted.<br>
Both have around 3.75 gpa unweighted.<br>
One scored 33, the other 34 on ACT</p>

<p>Wisconsin Residents.<br>
Found out about a month or so ago.</p>