
<p>Your proposed major does NOT matter- you apply to, and get accepted to the university as a whole.</p>

<p>To the many who are/will be postponed. You are in that vast middle group- good enough to get in but possibly needing to wait until all of the applications are received and reviewed after the February 1st deadline. Rolling admissions means they can give you an answer now or whenever they figure you won’t displace some else with better credentials. Some of the best students may not even apply until close to the deadline.</p>

<p>I’m from the Chicago suburbs and still haven’t heard yet either…I go to Glenbard South and the guy representative who came to my school didn’t say anything about not getting in because of insufficient space, but it is possible. My friend didn’t get in last year (she applied regular decision though) and had a 5.6 weighted GPA and a 33 on her ACT. So I guess it all depends on the applicant pool each year.</p>

<p>I submitted the first week of September and have yet to hear back. Patiently waiting! I’m out of state:
34 ACT
4.0 unweighted GPA
1 of 80 class rank
5 on APUSH, 4 on Chem
Varsity Golf with All-Conference honors all four years
Hold position of President for my class and NHS
Taken all honors and AP courses available
Attend one of the best public schools in my state</p>

<p>I loved Wisconsin, so I’m crossing my fingers. I’m worried with how long it has taken. I’ve been accepted to UMN Twin Cities and was award the Gold National Scholarship, so that is quite exciting. Still waiting on Wisconsin and a few others to weigh my options.</p>

<p>So can we assume that we’re not getting any decisions this week because of Thanksgiving break?</p>

<p>The only break is Thursday for employees- students get Friday and Saturday (yes there are a few classes- such as labs- that meet on Saturday) off as well (hint- plan on attending classes the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, even having an exam that day at UW). Remember admissions follows a regular work schedule, not the students’ class days/breaks.</p>

<p>I did not hear of any decisions being transmitted last night. Hopefully, this means there will be a cavalcade of acceptances this coming Friday!</p>

<p>Has anybody from Indiana heard anything yet?? Starting to get nervous…</p>

<p>Or anybody from New Jersey? I got mine out around the 15th of October, and they received all my stuff around the 25th. It says they’re reviewing my application but I just wanted to see if any NJ are waiting/when should we expect a decision. Thanks!</p>

<p>^Earlier in the thread there was an acceptance from NJ.</p>

<p>Has anyone from Ohio heard back? I applied in mid-October.</p>

<p>I’m from Ohio and also applied in October. I have yet to hear back.</p>

<p>I’m from Texas and applied November 5th. Has anyone from Texas heard back?</p>

<p>I met w a UW rep today and he told me that there will be a batch of decisions going out this Friday and then two more this December and after that they’ll be done. Good luck to those still waiting to hear!</p>

<p>^ So everyone will know before Jan (who applied before Nov 1)?
I think applying Oct 26 is too early to hear next week…even instate.</p>

<p>I applied November 4th oos and heard the 22nd of October so you should hear soon @saraco</p>

<p>When you say ‘done’, do you mean done with decisions completely or done for this year, and they’ll resume in January?</p>

<p>I’d love to hear back soon, I’ve been waiting since early October.</p>


<p>@deer No. Just the first wave. kids will be applying through February.</p>

<p>That’s what I meant; just for the first notification period decisions!
I’m just hoping I don’t get deferred, it’s bad enough waiting for one decision.</p>

<p>That would be awful. I hope there’s good news this Friday! So has anyone heard in the middle of the week? Or is it pointless to refresh my UW page every hour…</p>

<p>I think the only time they send them out is Friday night, haha but I still checked every hour! And i found out around 7:30 on a friday night! Good luck though :)</p>