
Is that GPA a typo?

@Madison85‌ I’m equally shocked. If it is a typo, a 3.2 GPA would be nearly as shocking. Or we’re just being played with, have decisions already started to come out for the second period?

Maybe there are circumstances regarding the 2.2 GPA…a recruited athlete? Or, we are being played by a new poster.

Highly doubt a recruited athlete would be recruited at this time and/or come and post on college confidential on this thread, especially being a new poster. Also doubt that extracurriculars can offset such a low GPA at a school as rigorous as UW Madison. My vote is that we’re being played.

Surprised there haven’t been any decisions today, usually don’t they start going out in waves at this time of the year, especially fridays?

I don’t there are going to be any for atleast another 2 weeks.

Decisions started coming out today…

Do they notify when the decision is up? Or do we have to keep on checking?

They’ll send you an email but I’m obviously gonna be refreshing regardless. This wait is tense…

@sjbadger8‌ how do you knoww?
Did someone from the second period got in?

Yea some people posted on twitter. If you go to the uw madison twitter page and look at their favorites you can see that a few people got in because they favorite every acceptance tweet.

When are they going to notify the second round applicants? I’ve been waiting for so long and the wait is nerve wracking.

^^Sometime this month.

Accepted on October 31!!! In-State GPA: 3.74, ACT 28

@Bandit912 October 31st? What?

Any chance decisions come out today?

@easygoer‌ to track acceptances you have many options:

  1. Follow this thread (obviously)
  2. Look after the #futurebadger tag on Instagram
  3. Keep track of the favorites of UW Madison’s twitter page, they favorite acceptance tweets

Has anyone who was postponed heard back??

When are the decisions gonna come out?

Guys, hold your horses. The only hint they’re given is “by the end of march”.

That being said, last year’s decisions started to really go out the last two Fridays of March, so still 7 or so days