
OOS son accepted. 35 ACT. 4.02 gpa

Accepted today! Minnesota. 3.96 GPA. 29 ACT

@woodbury2010 I don’t understand either. Perhaps my statements weren’t up to par? Not sure, but I have a few more things I can add so hopefully that will be alright. I might send another letter of rec… not sure if that’s the sort of thing they want though?

@brewman0732 It can’t hurt!

@Madison85 alright. Think being another from a teacher is a good idea? And was it a mistake to send my others manually and not through their online letter of rec system? And this was very stupid of me, but I didn’t have a sheet of community service made up when I sent the application the first time, so it ended up not really being included. Now I have one made up and will send it.

Manual or electronic should not matter.

A teacher rec + service hours sounds great!

Checked my email this morning and found that I got accepted! I applied back in October so I am excited to finally hear my decision!
Stats: 30 ACT, 3.8 (weighted? I don’t know if it is or not since my transcript did not say) GPA
6 AP classes
Considered an in-state resident since my father lives in Wisconsin though I live in another state.

My son accepted today from MI; UW 3.71, 31 ACT

Congratulations everyone! Was anyone who got their decision today a 2nd round applicant?

“Considered an in-state resident since my father lives in Wisconsin though I live in another state.”
@WriterReader‌ - I wouldn’t be certain on your residency status if you live in another state. Read the residency rules on line and you probably want to contact the University.

Congratulations on your acceptance!

@wayneandgarth‌ After I sent my application in, I got an email asking for additional information regarding residency. My parents sent in the materials required and they told me I would qualify as an in-state resident. And thanks! :slight_smile:

That is great WriterReader – that’s a big difference!

Any second fall acceptances yet ?

Applied 10/31
In state
UW GPA: 3.9
Participated in Youth Options (taking classes at local college)
Have a few EC’s
In my opinion had great essays.
I think my GPA is what helped me, I guess it proves you don’t need to be a great test taker because my act isnt very great.

when do they usually let the people who were postponed know if they got accepted??

@hannahxconley‌ March 31st is the latest possible date they would let us know. They have to get all the 2nd round applicant decisions out before releasing postponed decisions, so late March is about when that’ll be. After looking at plenty of posts on here I’ve found there were a few years when it was mid-March but with a growing number of applicants it’s easier to just expect end of March.


Chemical Engineering
GPA: 3.89 Unweighted
SAT: 1860 (M-640, C-620, W-600)
No honors or AP at my school (I´m from Venezuela and we have a different system)
Extracurriculars: Orchestra, Violin and Piano Lessons, Debate Speech, MUN, some volunteer work.
One teacher rec

Excited to be a badger

Anyone think they’re gonna send out some today?

INNN!! In state 2.2 GPA UW 27 ACT