
I’ve got a feeling that the decisions are gonna come out this Friday. But whatever it is, this wait is killing me.

@Digitallyshrewd‌ for you it may or may not, everyone’s decisions don’t come out the same day. That being said, in my opinion there is a likeliness of a huge wave going out Friday

Does anyone have an error in the SOAR and does it mean anything if you do?

Saw that earlier on my son’s page. Says it’s a faulty link, so probably just a technical issue. Doubt it means anything.

I have that error too. If anything, it could mean decisions coming out this Friday, but highly doubt that.

Why aren’t they disclosing the date? :frowning:

is everyone’s SOARs unavailable on MyUW? The ‘SOAR Registration’ box is present on the left, but there’s an error in loading the content.

I think decisions will come out tomorrow night around 8, does anyone else agree?

why do you think that? and by 8:00 do you mean 8:00 eastern time?

MBB tips off against Coastal Carolina at 8:20 CT (they’d probably begin releasing at 7 CT if anything). Additionally, it’s one of only two fridays remaining in March. I wouldn’t put it past them to release some decisions tomorrow.

i spoke with them on the phone and they said some postponed kids have heard and that we will hear back by the end of march and that we can hear any night, most likely fridays

I was also postponed. I don’t know if there’s a trend of wave announcements, but when I received my notification of postponement it was January 27th-the Tuesday before the guaranteed notification date by UW. I wonder if the announcement will be the 31st(which I highly doubt since the 1st is only a day later) or this Friday or next Friday.

@UndecidedinSTL and everyone else: does your financial aid link now show your cost for the 2015-16 year? Mine hasn’t updated yet and still says “no information to be shown” but it has updated for some of my friends. This could be a huge positive sign in my opinion

@HopefulBadgerPlz‌ My link also has “no information to be shown”. I’d have to expect that we’ll have our decision within the next week, though.

The SOAR website has definitely changed on the last 24 hours, it has a new look now. I noticed that the Housing Reservation page for SOAR has also been updated and that now there’s housing session dates - but the first date you can book housing for SOAR is June 17th - this is later than in previous years isn’t it? So does that mean that the first SOAR isn’t till June 17th?

Should we expect a wave of announcements tonight?

I wasn’t going to post but I feel like I owe it all to CC for keeping me updated. I was just accepted right now so I think there just was a wave for Friday, March 20.

@ExeterKid31 Congrats!

I’m surprised by how very quiet this thread has been with regard to acceptance posts. Was expecting so much more, what’s going on?

i just got in! oos from nyc :slight_smile: applied dec 22nd