Accepted 2016

<p>Who else is a member of the class of 2016 at Geneseo? Are you super excited too?</p>

<p>I was so excited when I got my ED letter!!</p>

<p>Seriously? Am I the only person on College confidential or something?</p>


<p>Did you do ED to Gen too?</p>

<p>I got in last week too…sorry for responding so late but i haven’t been on here much since i got in</p>

<p>I originally applied ED, but switched it to regular decision to give me more time to get my SAT scores up. My cr and math are 1230. Now I don’t know if I’ll take the test again- I work as a ski instructor on all my days off, including Christmas, and I need the nights to keep up with school work. It is hard to find time to work on improving my Sat scores. Congratulations to all who got in. If you don’t mind me asking-what are your SAT scores.</p>

<p>Hoghpeaksdrifter, I got: Critical Reading: 730, Math: 670, Writing: 740 and
Chemistry: 740</p>

<p>Accepted! August cannot come sooooon enough !</p>

<p>Congrats guys! so excited for you all to be my peers, I felt exactly the same way and spent senior year counting down the days…even given my crazy high expectations, every single day at Geneseo exceeds them all! I hope you guys love it here as much as I do. Even so, try to make the most of senior year and spend a lot of time reflecting on your character, because college is so crazy, fulfilling fun, its all consuming! and you want to come to college being the best you can be so you can continue to grow into who you want to be! CONGRATS!</p>

<p>I was accepted. F… yeah!</p>

<p>Wow You guys are lucky to hear back so soon! this is making me more nervous :/</p>

<p>Are these posts all early decision acceptances or are people hearing back on regular decision already?</p>

<p>I’m an ED acceptance, and I think Phuong got in as a international student.</p>

<p>I’m in, but idk if I’m going.

<p>Does anyone know when RD decisions are supposed to come out? The Geneseo website says March 1st, but do they usually come any earlier than that?</p>

<p>Anyone know who’s social life over there since it’s so rural or should I start a new thread about this!</p>

<p>Sharon…take a look at the link below. Students blog about their experience at Geneseo. This may be of some help…</p>

<p>[Voices</a> from the Valley | Get a glimpse of student life at SUNY Geneseo](<a href=“http://sunygeneseo.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/]Voices”>http://sunygeneseo.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/)</p>

<p>Thanks! But…
I’ve seen it but its not like a real people saying bad things about geneseo it’s all praise
I don’t knoww…
Any current students or friends of current students outthere?</p>

<p>I called admissions last week and they said RD letters should start being mailed this week.</p>

<p>I was accepted RD today! I live about 50 minutes away from Geneseo though!</p>