Accepted and seriously considering VT

<p>My daughter was accepted into CALS, and although she was disappointed (and I was surprised) that she didn't make the Honors College, she is quickly warming to the idea of attending Tech. I admit that we have never seen the campus in person, and she can't make it on April 12 and 13.</p>

<p>So, would other incoming freshmen, current students, or parents of students please let us know why we should be excited about Tech and its campus? The admissions process has its ups and downs, but once our kids have made their choices, it should all be excitement and anticipation.</p>

<p>Thanks. We really appreciate your insight.</p>

<p>I’m sure it’s disappointing not getting into somewhere you want that first, but virginia tech is an amazing school! It’s absolutely gorgeous anytime of the year, even when it is freezing cold. They’re is so much to do there with so many opportunities & so many amazing people to meet. It’s a huge community, but for me that’s what I love. The football games are fun & there is so much school spirit. It’s just a great environment to be in, for me, I feel really at home & just comfortable as soon as I’m there :)</p>

<p>On the other hand, you should really go look at it yourself & get the feel for it. I went somewhere my first freshman semester & ended up hating it. You really have to make sure you love somewhere before you go. I would hate for anyone to make the same mistake I did.</p>

<p>@Megs19 Thanks. I think a beautiful campus will help to win her over, and it certainly seems to be one.</p>

<p>It’s a great school and a beautiful campus (most of it), but I’d find a way to tour it before making this kind of commitment.</p>

<p>My son is strongly leaning toward attending Tech (he also got accepted to JMU and George Mason). I’ve been there twice and came away impressed both times. The locals were also very friendly.</p>

<p>@VaDad2014 Thanks. We will certainly try. In any case, the overall turn of events has made it the best choice for the money, by far.</p>

<p>My son is a freshman in engineering at VT… We are OOS and knew very very little about the school, but it has a very good program for the specific kind of engineering he wanted. Honestly, it was a safety school for him and we didn’t think too much about it UNTIL we visited. We were blown away by the campus, the staff and the students… It’s like you have stepped straight into a college brochure. He got accepted into all of his chosen schools, even the reach schools, but ultimately chose VT and I think he wonders why he ever considered anyplace else. It has, so far, just been an incredible college experience for both him as a student and us as parents. If you can find any way to swing a visit, I highly recommend it… Good luck!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be disappointed about the Honors College thing. I don’t really know the actual benefits of it to be honest. You can also get great internship and jobs without the Honors College. </p>

<p>@granipc and @hokiefan223 Thanks to you both. I will be glad to share both of these responses with my daughter.</p>

<p>DD1 is currently a junior civil engineering major. She has had a great experience so far at VT. She’s been challenged academically but still manages to make dean’s list sometimes. She’s landed a tremendous internship after sophomore year and will be returning to the same company again - but she also had 2 other offers. She’s made great friends who are supportive, fun, hardworking and responsible. Dining options are ridiculously good. There are tons of activities - clubs for your major, clubs just for fun, religious organizations, intramural sports, concerts. They had the Big Event recently - that’s where thousands of students go out to the community and performs all sorts of service projects - last year DD raked leaves for a senior citizen. This year she built a fence for a senior citizen. Football games are tremendous. She loves the campus and loves living off campus too. </p>

<p>As parents, we try hard to have very little interaction directly with the school but the little that we have had has been positive - very responsive and friendly.</p>

<p>DD2 has been accepted as well but is considering UTexas. I might be a tad sad if she chooses UT over VT.</p>

<p>Hello! My son was accepted to and will be attending Virginia Tech this fall as a Meteorology major (his second choice major). </p>

<p>We are also unable to visit April 11-12, but you call still register for a campus visit/tour. When you register for a visit, registration has an option for Seniors who have been accepted to Virginia Tech - so the tour and information sessions are geared toward those already accepted and trying to decide whether they will attend Virginia Tech. You can also schedule for the same day a visit with the particular department or college your have been accepted to. We are heading down during Spring break for a visit on April 22 - campus tour, information session and a visit with the College of Environment and Natural Resources. </p>

<p>We visited last April and attended a session hosted by the College of Engineering (his first choice major). Aaron fell in love with the school and it became his first choice. He visited many colleges and was accepted for the engineering programs at Clemson, WVU, UT, UK, ODU and JMU but Virginia Tech (besides being a better fit financially than most of the OOS schools) had everything he wanted in a school and he felt most at home there. It was really the only school he was truly excited about - and most nervious waiting to find out whether he would be accepted. He is determined to do what it takes to transfer to COE even if he has to jump through a few hoops to make it happen. </p>

<p>If your schedule allows, definitely schedule a visit and tour. Nothing replaces actually going to check out a school in person! Good luck! Hope our daughter decided to become a Hokie!</p>