Torn on going to VT or not

<p>I'm an NVCC student in need of some input on where I should transfer. So I applied for VT communication, thinking I have a solid 50/50 shot, and because I like to have options and plan Bs, I went ahead and applied to GMU under GAA. I was excited about it, until BAM! Acceptance letter from VT. Say what? This was my dream last year.
Here's the deal, I've had the advantage of getting to know GMU on a more intimate level due to my connections there, so I already know I love it. Granted, there are certain aspects about the place that turn me off too, like some of the people's attitudes (not all).
GMU seemed like the logical option for me, but ever since I visited Tech last year and felt that "spark", that VT acceptance letter has been creeping back into my mind. I'm not going to lie, I'm also terrified of the idea of being so far from home, fear I might get too much culture shock (coming from a suburban area with high diversity), and might not be able to make any friends that I connect with since I'm a transfer. Transfers especially have a difficult time finding a group to hang out with. I also don't know much about the Comm program there, but I heard it's selective, which I take as a good sign. </p>

<p>I guess I'm looking for some input as to how I can decide whether VT is the place for me. I'm supposed to be visiting sometime next week or in two weeks, but I don't want to get "enchanted" by all the hype tours give. I need some real research.</p>

<p>Take the tour. I have been to both several times and they are both so different. I would go to tech … hands down, but GMU is more diverse and close to DC. Tech is such a well known and highly respected and will give you that edge when applying for jobs…especially out of state.</p>

<p>I’m on the engineering path so I don’t know much about either school’s communication program, but based on my visits to both schools, hearing stories from friends who go to both schools, and knowing that VT is just much more selective and generally more respected, I would choose VT. If you’re worried about meeting people, don’t forget that Mason is largely a commuter school.</p>

<p>Do you know your GMU connections well enough to check if they know any peers at VT? Someone who knows both programs could provide useful comparisons. A general search in this forum may also help in the meantime. I found an old one on CC here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you plan on working in the DC area I think you are fine going with GMU especially since you love the school.</p>

<p>On the other hand:</p>

<p>It’s time to develop some independence so that you aren’t terrified of being 4 1/2 hours from home!</p>

<p>VT admits many students from Northern Virginia so many of your in-class peers will have the same background (suburban, diverse, etc). There will also be students from other states (the horror!) and ones from rural environments. In other words, a diversity of views, backgrounds, motivations etc. Embrace change for the opportunity it provides you to learn and expand your horizons. {laying it on a bit thick there I know}.</p>

<p>Going from NoVa to VT is about as little culture shock as you can have. It’s less culture shock than going from Haymarket to Manassas, on account of the huge percentage of VT students that are from NoVa.</p>

<p>Thanks guys!! You’ve put this girl at ease, and you all make great points. At this point I’m leaning more toward VT since I have a gut feeling about it. I’m visiting next week!</p>