Accepted at Purdue with Alternate Major

Anyone else accepted for and alternate major? My son did not get into the computer science program, but was offered an alternate major. He picked 2 that would work for him. Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back again? He submitted the form several week ago. Also do they inform you on a Friday again?

Hi @sunflowergrower , congrats on son getting accepted for his alternate major. I’m hope today is the Friday my D hears good news.

Can you clarify what your son is waiting to hear back from? What form did he submit?

He filled out the alternate major request form from the majors on the list when he did not get into computer science a a couple weeks ago. He is waiting to hear if he is in cyber security or computer IT in the tech college.

Good luck to your daughter. Hope she hears good news soon.

Ok, I had misunderstood. I thought the original application had allowed him to list 2 choices and he had gotten into his 2nd.

Anyone hear back which alternate major they were assigned yet? Ds sent his reply form back 10/30 picking 2 majors outside of the school of science. No response back yet.

I got mine today. you should get a reply in the first week they come back from break.

Nothing today. Hopefully next week.

My son is in the same boat. Picked alternate majors but waiting on decision.

He finally heard today and got the alternate major he wanted. Hope your son hears soon.

Has anyone heard or asked when we will hear about the acceptance to alternative major?

My son sent his form back 10/30 and heard 1/20. He picked cyber security.

thank you!

My son got his acceptance today. He picked business.

@dpxtag congratulations! May I ask when your son submitted his alternate form?