<p>Hi guys just an FYI I just got my acceptance into the pont aven contemporary school of art in francefor my post-bacc I probably wont go unless SMFA and brandeis both reject me, but it feels great to get the ball moving!!</p>
<p>thanks again for all the advice! Now the thought of going all the way back to undergrad gives me a headache, that is definitely out of the running!</p>
<p>if you can do french and find money, why not?
you must have liked it there if you’d bother to apply, yes?
and they take you as post bac, is that right? congrats!!
??? Brandeis now? may I ask why?
(nosy nosy)</p>
<p>haha Brandeis has a great post-bac program with good funding and huge studios but its not my top choice actually bc of waltham. it isnt a town/location I’d be excited about. But i will visit when I get up east and check it out. Also dont know if i can get in. We will see.</p>