<p>Hey, Does anyone know if there is an "accepted students day?" Also, is there one specifically for those accepted into Honors?</p>
<p>Hey, Does anyone know if there is an "accepted students day?" Also, is there one specifically for those accepted into Honors?</p>
<p>There is a mandatory 2-day orientation session. For the Summer 2009 session, Orientation information should be available in early February.</p>
<p>Thanks JerseyShoreMom, my son would be entering in the fall. I’m confused though. My son has not decided on a school yet, but has atteneded a couple “accpeted students days” at other colleges where he learns more about the school to help make his decision. I assume orientation is after you send in your depost. I am actually looking for something for students that have been accepted but not yet made up their mind.</p>
<p>UCF hosts “Scholar’s Day” sometime in March for those accepted into UCF (I believe for those who qualify for and/or accepted into Honors/LEAD) but have not decided on which school they want to attend. Here’s what my invite said:</p>
<p>Scholar’s Day is designed to recognize the outstanding academic achievements of our prospective Fall 2008 freshmen. Though Scholars Day is a campus-wide effort, it differs from the general Open House model in that it is offered only for those students who have been accepted to and offered merit scholarships by the university. The Scholars Day itinerary also includes classes taught by UCF faculty, guided campus tours, and presentations by The Honors College and LEAD Scholars program.</p>
<p>Thanks davidng150, I wonder if we got this invitation and lost it or never got it. With all the college mail coming in anything is possible. I would assume my son would be invited as he was accepted into Honors (didn’t apply for LEAD.) I guess I will need to call Admissions to get more information.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>D received this email yesterday:</p>
<p>Last Chance to Register for Saturday, April 18, 2009 - Admitted Student Open House</p>
<p>This invitation-only event provides an opportunity for you and your student to learn first-hand about our campus, academic programs, student life, financial aid and much more. Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. Scheduled activities are from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. </p>
<p>Programs and presentations include:</p>
<p>Academic College Presentations
Campus Life
LEAD Scholars Program
Administrative Panel Discussion
The “First Class Experience”
The Burnett Honors College at UCF
Tours of Campus and Housing</p>
<p>For additional information, to register for this event, and for directions, please visit us online at: [Open</a> House Registration](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucf.edu/admittedoh.asp]Open”>http://www.admissions.ucf.edu/admittedoh.asp)
Space is limited. Register today.</p>