<p>OMFG I GOT INTO RPI !!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>CLASS OF 2013 post HERE :-D</p>
<p>OMFG I GOT INTO RPI !!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>CLASS OF 2013 post HERE :-D</p>
<p>woo i’m also in. this is amazing! i can hardly believe it!!!</p>
<p>As a side note, can people who are accepted, post their stats? I just want to get a feel of the grades of the first wave of accepted students</p>
<p>SAT composite - 660M/660CR/570W
GPA 9-11 - 3.35 unweighted 3.45 weighted
GPA 9-12 (first quarter) - 3.25 unweighted 3.52 weighted</p>
<p>WOOO I GOT IN TOO! i’m soooo excited!!!</p>
<p>sat: 680M/640CR
gpa: 3.87uw/4.5w
other stuff but i don’t really care right now</p>
<p>tyler… see you on accepted students day :-D</p>
<p>Aww yeah… hahah got in baby! </p>
<p>so here are my stats:
Korean Male
Milpitas High school
3.75 weighted
Ap Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP World History
AP US History
AP Studio Art
Honors Precal
Honors Chem
Honors Eng</p>
<p>Currently taking:
Ap Stats
AP Spanish
AP Bio
AP Eng
American gov/econ.</p>
<p>SAT: Critical Reading 660
Math 750
Writing 640</p>
<p>SAT II:Chemistry 660
Mathematics Level 2 710
Korean Language with Listening 760</p>
<p>Extra Cirriculars: 3 years track and field 2 yrs varsity (10-12) Captain of Distance team
2 years Cross country 2 yrs varsity (11-12) Captain of team
1 year of Wrestling (12)< didn’t do it yet but planning on doing so.
120+ hrs of community service
Artist. Won multiple internet art contests, local art contests.</p>
<p>I GOT IN!!!
im so happy. </p>
<p>GPA 3.56
m: 660
<p>how much scholarship are you guys getting???</p>
<p>How different are the admissions for ED1 and ED2. I missed ED1 and so 'm going for ED2, but I’m afraid that my chances of being accepted are drastically lower.</p>
<p>supposedly there is no difference</p>
<p>Congratulations everyone! Btw, it’s a winter ice land up here right now! Everything’s frozen and there’s snow :D</p>
<p>ah crap what gets you rescinded?</p>
<p>I got a $60,000 scholarship spread over the four years. It is a guaranteed scholarship, not matter what happens to the economy… This is only due to my “outstanding character, community service, academic excellence, and extracurricular involvement”</p>
<p>I don’t know how this relates to what other people got. It would be good to know…</p>
<p>I got 40,000 over the 4 years so it looks like you got a bit better than I did lol</p>
<p>Were you a medal winner?</p>
<p>What’s a medal winner?</p>
<p>Oh and anyone know how we get distributed in the dorm rooms?
Is it a random draw or can you state that you would rather be in one than another?</p>
<p>The lady in admissions I spoke with said that we fill out an application sometime in early January on their website for it</p>
<p>Housing is distributed in preference in order that deposits are sent in. But is also very questionnaire dependent. i.e. will you be willing to be in a triple, late nights, etc etc. </p>
<p>My son really gets along well with his suitemates and the hall in general, so it seems they did a good job. </p>
<p>He was RD and still got his first choice, so no reason to panic about it.</p>
<p>I honestly can’t believe I got accepted to RPI… It’s known for accepting people with high math SAT scores, but mine sucked…
oh and here are my stats for people who are wondering (if there are any)</p>
<p>UW 3.4 Classes all AP’s and Honors (obviously 9th 10th grade was just Honors in my high school I don’t know anyone who took AP in 9th or 10th grade)</p>
<p>SAT- 610 Math 700 Critical Reading 640 Writing. My critical reading was high but… maybe they liked my essay?
SATII- Math Level II-660
German w/ Listening-740</p>
<p>A whole bunch of EC’s activities that will bore all of you.</p>
<p>Ehhh and if it helps I’m a female…</p>
<p>There you have it.</p>
<p>foreveryours, do you have a facebook?</p>
<p>and sandpit, when do you fill out the housing questionnaire? Is it on the open house day or something?</p>