Accepted to transfer, What is purdue like? Atmosphere, social, environment?


<p>I just got accepted to purdue's aerospace engineering program. Entering as a sophmore if i make the commitment to go. I am wondering what Purdue is like as a whole. </p>

<p>My current college is in florida (UCF), i personally do not like it because the students have a lack of interest in school, or a lack of intelligence. There is a big(and bad) greek scene. Many of the frat guys are jerks, sorority girls are the typical florida dumb blonde. Overall, my school is a huge party school. Unfortunately for me, I do not do that. I dont drink, i prefer to hang out with friends. We are typical internets users lol. Trolling forums etc. I consider myself a gamer, but school comes first for me.</p>

<p>I am wondering what it is like at purdue. I am interested in a school that has a nice student body, generally smarter and has interest in school. I want to be in a very academic atmosphere where i feel like i will fit in. But i also want to be able to make friends like me where we like to hang out, play games, etc... I guess im a nerd. It has been tough to make the lasting friendships i made during my years in highschool. I went to 3 different states in 2 years and made awsome friends, but i havent been able to at my current college which is strange. </p>

<p>Do you think purdue is a school i could enjoy? I dont mind so much that its in the middle of nowhere, its not like I do anything when there is a lot to do. Im in orlando and i could care less lol. </p>

<p>sorry for the wall of text, i dont really know anyone at purdue, so i was wondering if anyone could give me a good picture of the school.</p>

<p>Just so you know Purdue has one of the biggest greek scenes in the country. Engineering is Purdue, so you should be able to make friends pretty easily. Also academics is fairly tough, so be prepared.</p>

<p>yeah i know some people also. they say that since its an engineering/science school mainly there are alot of smart people there. that should suit you. its also a big school, and has a great sense of school pride. big school Division I = Great Football / Marching Band shows.</p>

<p>Purdue is known as The Breakfast Club due to Purduvians "lining up at the bars Saturday morning waiting to get wasted before going to a tailgate party to get more wasted."</p>

<p>In otherwords there are lots of parties and whatnot, which can be a distracting problem as my slutty ex found out when she failed so badly her parents disowned her. For that, I salute Purdue. So basically there is a lot to do despite its surrounding countryside, but there is a lot of academic work as well, especially if you are an AE major.</p>

<p>If you are an AE major you will find many kids like yourself. My son is in Engineering, doesn't party but loves Purdue. There is plenty of partying around, he simply creates his own fun with like-minded friends. For him that's intermural sports and online gaming. He has never been bored because he's sober, just the opposite, he finds too much to do and hard to decide which comes first, lol. His friends in eng are all bright and think much the same as him. I would imagine AE is even moreso.</p>

<p>oh, yea, by the way I'm a transfer student to Purdue, and I've found meeting people fairly easy, and I'm not the most outgoing of people. Actually I'm quite quiet.</p>