<p>got in tonight.
checked campusconnect and a new tab had shown up called "for admitted students", so i clicked on it and it read "congratulations on your acceptance to depaul university!" at the top.</p>
<p>haven't received a letter, but i'm assuming that's because i live in pennsylvania and it's going to take awhile.</p>
<p>congratulations! i just got my letter today!!!</p>
<p>YEAH!!! congrats!!!
i’m still waiting on my letter, but i live in PA so yeah.</p>
<p>quick question…did you receive anything about scholarships with your acceptance stuff?</p>
<p>yep a letter came with my acceptance packet</p>
<p>all right awesome! congrats!
are you going for sure?</p>
<p>unfortunately, probably not because even thogh i got $14,000, its still kind of out of my price range :(</p>
<p>:( i’m so sorry! are you still going to try for other aid?
if you don’t mind me asking…what were your stats that got you that scholarship?</p>
<p>yeah im applying for some other scholarships and financial aid, so i haven’t completely ruled it out.</p>
<p>31 ACT and 3.95 ACT, and i emailed one of the admissions peopple and she said that the academic scholarships are only based on gpa. good luck!</p>
<p>so are you definitely going?</p>
<p>i hope everything works out!!</p>
<p>thanks for the info about scholarships, i wasn’t sure if ACTs were considered.</p>
<p>as of right now, yes, but i applied to 3 other schools, so i’m planning on waiting to see where else i get in and then i’m going to make a final decision. :)</p>
<p>do you know what you’re going to major in yet?</p>
<p>i don’t really know, but i’m thinking about psychology</p>
<p>awesome! i hope i see you there next year!</p>
<p>hopefully! im crossing my fingers!</p>
<p>i was accepted according to campusconnect over a week ago and i still haven’t received a letter…is this bad?</p>
<p>Well, maybe I’m confused, but if you clicked on the tab for admitted students first, it might have been on the top because they assume you are an admitted student. Maybe that’s not the actual admit/deny? I don’t know though, I may be confused.</p>
<p>Yeah I know what you mean, except there is stuff about me being exempt from placement exams and I doubt that would show up if I wasn’t admitted?</p>
<p>Congratulations everyone!!!</p>
<p>I checked online today out of curiosity from reading this thread, and turns out, I got accepted!!! I am also exempt from the placement exams. Still haven’t gotten a letter, hopefully I get a nice package. </p>
<p>Also, it says my immunization records are due by the 21st of November. Have any of you sent them/plan to send them in? It’s probably just a mistake lol</p>
<p>congrats dude!!! thats awesome!</p>
<p>i have the same messages, too. and i haven’t gotten a letter yet, either. </p>
<p>oh shoot, are those immunizations due by the 21st?! where did it say that on campus connect?</p>
<p>OK i just looked and mine were due 11/08? this just doesn’t make sense to me that i would send my medical information to a school that i wasn’t even 100% positive i was going to attend?</p>
<p>I got my letter today! 
$6,500 a year scholarship for a 3.75 gpa. sweet.</p>