Hello everyone!

I sent in my SIR to UC Irvine last week and am fully committed to going there.

I logged onto my UC Riverside portal this morning to decline my offer of admission, but by mistake, I clicked on the SIR button and am now admitted to their school (my SIR fee was waived, and they have no confirmation process)

My counselor told me that if I SIR to two schools, I would be forfeiting my previous SIR.
Does anyone know if this is true? This was a terrible mistake, and I have no intention of attending UCR. I’ve already emailed both schools to explain the situation, but it’s the weekend so I can’t call them and they’re probably not checking their emails until Monday (Monday is MAY 1… the SIR deadline…)

I’m getting a little frantic. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about this situation? Will my admission to UCI be revoked?

Contact the schools first thing Monday morning.

I definitely plan to! But does anyone already know whether or not they would revoke my admission? Considering it was a complete mistake? I just need some kind of reassurance and hope to last me through the weekend :frowning:


On the home page of the portal, there was a box on the right that says “Submit your SIR”

i did that too by accident and it was UCR. i had thought (foolishly) there was a chance for me to say “Yes” or “No” after hitting the SIR button. i called and wrote an email to Admissions. it turned out that UCR needed an email to correct this mistake and would take them ten business days to process. calling alone was not sufficient. i got an response on 5th day saying it would take another 5 days before the status could be corrected on portal.

Wow, UCR has had a tough year!