Cancelling uc sir

<p>So i applied to all the ucs this year and i got into uc riverside and was waitlisted at uc santa cruz. Santa cruz told me to go ahead and sir to uc riverside in case i didnt get in off of the waitlist. Well i got into ucsc off the waitlist not much later so i sent in my sir to them because I want to go to uc santa cruz. I know you cant have two sirs at the same time so my mom called up ucsc admissions and they said to send an email to ucr and ucsc saying that i want to withdraw from ucr and attend ucsc instead. I typed in all my info like numbers and crap in the email. This was like two weeks ago okay. So just today i get this email from uc application center saying that they have me listed as being sirred to two different uc’s!! They sent the email once saying no action is required and disregard previous email, then they send anothher one that says action required disregard previous email!!! What does this mean!!! I sent an email to both uc’s saying where i want to go like two weeks ago!!! Wth!! My subject line for the email wasnt cancel sir but it had withdraw sir to ucr in it!!! Why is this happening!!! Help!!!</p>

<p>You posted this at 1:54pm Pacific Time when the admissions offices would be open on both campuses. Pick up the telephone, and call UCSC admissions and ask what you need to do to fix things. Then, if you still need to, call UCR and sort things out with them.</p>

<p>Okay, thank you for the lightning quick response! I dont get why this happened but i guess youre right i should call, ill post what the situation is in a little just for future reference</p>

<p>Okay well upon further investigation with the ucsc admissions office, we’ve found that i sent my first email about cancelling my sir to the wrong email address. Derp. I sent the first one to <a href=“”></a> and it needed to be <a href=“”></a>. I resended my email and i just got a reply from <a href=“”></a> saying thank you and we know you arent coming here now… I have been known to derp more… Thank you thank you thank you for the reply, mom knows best!!</p>