Accounting? Business? Anything else? Help me choose!

<p>So, I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life and looking for feedback. Characteristics: I'm pretty good at most things, although I get bored very easily. Not a totally social person, but I can make small talk if I have to. I like typing, and I'm good with computers. My main strength is my crazy organization. I'm good with art, visual stuff, and writing. I like to think and I like psychology, but I can't deal with the stress of being a psychologist. I have an illness that requires me to take it easy, so I can't look at tough positions like doctor/lawyer, etc.</p>

<p>I was considering accounting because two of my cousins are accountants, and they say it's pretty easy, stable, and it's a good title (sort of) to have. Can any people here give me their views on accounting and what they do, etc?</p>

<p>Also thinking of business, does anyone have any feedback on that?</p>

<p>Looking forward to seeing any other ideas you guys have for me to look into! I'm open to pretty much anything. Thanks!</p>