I’m an accounting major, i need to get to 150 credit hours. I have several options:
A. Get a double major in information systems
B. Take easy A classes and boost my GPA
C. Minor in informatics or comp sci and some easy A classes.
Which option is best?
Do you have a particular career goal? If not, I like option C, then option A.
Option C is a good background for a CPA or consultant and protects your GPA.
Option A is an even stronger and may open other doors.
I don’t have a particilar goal yet. Would an info sys degree help me in an accounting career?
@nawfal take my opinion with a grain of salt (still an undergrad student myself–looking into accounting too) but from a personal opinion:
as long as you have a competitive GPA (3.8-4.0) ish…then boosting your GPA is a little useless. If you have something that is considers “average” 3.6. then i would definitely consider it.
Although, if you work hard and can minor in IS (or even major in IS) SUCCESSFULLY then go for it. Of course it will help in the long run. You’ll be around computers all day as an accountant and i can definitely see its application as an accountant. I can also see how it can help with interviews, getting your foot in the door, etc.
You can look up alot of of jobs from the Big 4 yourself and IS majors get mentioned in their job posts ever so often (especially for analyst roles). So they’re also looking into that as well. good luck
so to answer your question, A, C, B
If you can handle it, option A. If you want to reduce your stress some and be able to explore and take different classes, option C.
Don’t just take a bunch of random stuff. Don’t do option B.