ACT as good as SAT?

<p>I live in Minnesota and I am a very good student looking to get into competitive colleges. Almost every college says it takes either the ACT (with writing) or the SAT, and SAT subject tests. I want to just take the ACT and the SAT subject tests, but does it hurt my chances by not taking the SAT? Is the SAT more highly regarded than the ACT? In the Midwest it is most common to just take the ACT instead of the SAT. Thanks.</p>



<p>I think you’re probably fine. I’m from MN as well and I took both the ACT and the SAT. What colleges are you looking at?</p>

<p>Colleges do not have a preference for either test; both are accepted equally.</p>

<p>Fireflyscout is right. If colleges give you the option of taking either the ACT or the SAT, they will treat both equally. You won’t be penalized if you just take the ACT.</p>