ACT down two days before first batch of scores released

What’s the chance that it’s only down because ACT is uploading scores. Do you think it could be released a day early ? Also, I really regret taking the December ACT with writing as a senior because ACT is really slow grading the writing test and then it takes another week or so for scores to deliver. I really messed myself up. My top choice has a final January 15th deadline and of course ACT Is disappointing.

They won’t be released early. It’s actually kind of concerning because the last two tests, they did the same thing. They shut down the website and then, both times, “experienced technical difficulties in getting the scores up on time.” So, we had to wait half the day with anxiety. Two times in a row. Coincidence? I think not.

I took the October test and my score was released on the first date. I checked my score at 3am too. Interesting.

My october score was released on the first date as well. I logged in at midnight when probably most other test takers were sleeping, and experienced no trouble.
When I tried to log in the next morning, the website was shut down.