ACT English Questions

<h2>List of questions that I still dont understand after looking at the answer key.</h2>

It was in 1958 in Paris that the new wave in French cinema [exploded] onto the international film scence.
[Which of these choices are LEAST acceptable]

<h2>[Answer is B. I had to pick between B and D because B didnt match the meaning and D just didnt sound right... Could anyone explain why D is acceptable?]</h2>

It can trace its lineage back to [Salyut I, the] very first space station launched in 1971 by the Russians.
A. No change
B. Salyut I the
C. Salyut I; the
D. Salyut I. The</p>

<h2>[Answer is A. I know why C,D doesn't fit, but I picked B because isn't A grammatically incorrect to have a comma between 2 complete sentences without "FANBOYS"?]</h2>

For example, before [plummeting, to Earth, it orbited] the planet for less than...
A. No change
B. plummeting to Earth, it orbited
C. plummeting to Earth. It orbited
D. plummeting to Earth; it orbited.</p>

<h2>[Answer is B. I know why C,D doesn't fit but I picked A because I felt like "to earth" was an unnecessary information that could be put off by double commas]</h2>

[Correct sentence order question.]
A. No change
B. 2,1,3
C. 3,1,2
D. 3,2,1</p>

<p>[1]This space station was successfully launched in 2000 and has hosted more than 17 crews from numerous countries since than.
[2]The end of the Cold War in the 1990s meant that both nations could work together on the goal of acheiving a sustainable habitat in outer space.</p>

<h2>[3]Ultimately, the Russian Salyut stations and Mir and the American Skylab laid the groundwork for the International Space Station</h2>

<p>Thank you guys for all the help in advance.</p>

<p>1) the way i see it… exploded, burst, and erupted are all the same thing… so it’s between either A or B and then “released onto” is idiomatically incorrect or it seems to me :)</p>

<p>2) the second part of the sentence isn’t a sentence… i forget all the names of the rules but the second part is acting as an adjective phrase describing Salyut I</p>

<p>3)it just makes sense to say plummeting to earth… i don’t know if i can explain this one grammatically… but A just sounds wrong and too choppy…</p>

<p>4) i have no idea. i think i need to read more from the passage</p>

<p>Yea i understand why i got all of em wrong now even though #4 still is kinda foggy to me. and for #3 I started to be too picky with grammar rules instead of using my ears.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help</p>

<p>The answer to question 4 is C. </p>

<p>A. is not correct because the first sentence is talking about a space station when it isn’t mentioned until sentence 3.
B. This has the same error as above.
D. The third sentence ends off by mentioning the International Space Station and the first sentence starts off by talking about that station, therefore it is illogical to have it in this order.</p>