ACT ranges ILR

<p>Does anyone know the mid Act ranges for the ILR? I cant find if you could help a bro out, that would be great!</p>

<p>for those enrolled, 26-31, slightly lower than the other two contract colleges; Arts is 28-33 and Engineering is 29-33, for comparison's sake</p>

<p>where are you getting your information from, redcrimblue?</p>

<p>yes...i wud like to know that as welll</p>

<p>It's on the Cornell admissions site.</p>

<p>Here is the link: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ILR SAT's 1270-1440, Arts 1310-1510, Engineering 1360-1515</p>

<p>i cant find the act rangess</p>

<p>, everybodys asking about ILR these days</p>

<p>they are on the page under "contract colleges"</p>

<p>anyone know when the same info for 2007 will be available?</p>