I have been trying many different strategies on the ACT Reading, such as skimming through the passage first, reading the 1st lines of each paragraph in the beginning only, reading questions first, etc. Nothing is working for me, I have to guess on a few questions at the end. What do I do to improve my timing and accuracy?

The best way to improve reading including rate, fluency and vocabulary is reading. If your basic skills are lacking, strategies may not work for you. Nevertheless, you selected good reading strategies. Take your textbooks, especially if there are questions before sections, and practice finding the answers quickly using your reading strategies. Read quickly and actively getting the gist of the passage. Information tends to appear in a logical order which should help you locate about where specific information would be found. Also, look over all the questions about a particular passage because skimming for one answer may come across information that answers another question. Finally and this is very important, focus on the question and the passage only. You will slow yourself down and introduce an element of distraction if you start thinking that your strategy isn’t working or getting frustrated, or start searching randomly, etc.

So I got a 36 on the reading section. I don’t remember ever reading anything unless I was basically forced to for school, but I’ve gotten extremely good at skimming info and extracting the main points- this is actually from doing alot of reading of forums, blogs, articles etc online. I’m not going to lie I spend way too much time on my phone, but I have gotten a lot of practice reading and understanding things quickly!

Alright. I feel like I’m bad at skimming bc I forget where stuff is in the passage and take longer to answer each question inaccurately. Rn I am reading the whole passage and underlining a lot, which I gives me accurate answers (31-32) but I end up taking 9-10m per passage unless it is a dual