When we toured VT years ago, the admissions office stated they super score not only with SAT exams but also across the ACT exam as well. Essentially mixing and matching the best scores all around. However in looking over admission stats, only SAT results are reported. Does anyone know if VT uses the college board equivalency chart to compare ACT and SAT results? My son got a 33 on the math section which college board states is a 740 I believe. Or are there admission stats accessible that report ACT averages of admitted VT students and I just can’t find it? Thanks!

They do use equivalency charts and that should be correct in terms of the scores.

Thanks! Coming down the home stretch of waiting on ED decisions. ?

No problem, @jessandboys . I was also gonna say that it makes sense that they would only report data in terms of SAT scores as most people at Tech, from what I heard, took the SAT and displaying data for both tests would askew the average scores and give off the wrong idea to those who look at the data.

Makes total sense.

Thanks again!