VT use of ACT Test Scores

<p>Can someone answer/confirm for me the following ACT questions as it relates to VT</p>

<li><p>VT uses only the English (not English/Writing combined) and Math section of the ACT for admission purposes.</p></li>
<li><p>The Writing ACT is used for placement in Freshman English classes only</p></li>
<li><p>VT does not prefer the SAT over the ACT. (ie: providing only ACT scores is not a disadvantage)</p></li>
<li><p>Any information on what the average ACT scores of a Freshman class are normally.</p></li>
<li><p>Any information on how / if VT converts the ACT score to a SAT equivalent. I see lots of composite score conversion tables, but since VT only uses 2 components not sure how this works.</p></li>

<p>Thanks much</p>

<p>I can’t reply for all but I do remember seeing on the VT website that if you take the SAT, an ACT writing score isn’t necessary. If you don’t that the SAT at all, I would suggest you taking the ACT writing.</p>

<p>It is true that VT views the ACT and SAT equally. </p>

<p>The average scores for the entering class of 2012-2013 are available on the website under something called a class profile or the 20soandso profile. It shouldn’t be too far away from the homepage. Try looking around the applying to Virginia Tech section. </p>

<p>As for the the conversion, I have no idea how that’s done. Sorry. </p>

<p>Hope this helped some!</p>

<p>I have not found anywhere on the website or Institutional Research Data that discusses average ACT scores (only SAT), nor specifically which ones they consider of the 4. I did see the ACT + writing is required if sumbitting those instead of SAT. Have you seen ACT data specifically, if so can you provide a link. Thanks much.</p>

<p>Wouldn’t this be a question to ask …</p>

<p>… the officials at VT?</p>

<p>I have one more year before I send my third child to College. I thought it is time to clarified some things for everyone. Hopefully what I have to say will help some people understand things better.</p>

<p>VT converts your act scores to SAT scores. They take the best scores on all of your test you send them to give you the highest average score. Now your individual scores on ACT is what is converted not your Composite score from what I understand. The reason why is that your composite score also includes Science and a Reading section that cannot be compared to the SATs. I don’t have a answer as to why the ACT reading is not considered.</p>

<p>If you score a 21 on ACT than that would give you a 500 in SAT and add 20 points for every point higher and if lower minus 20 points. Your writing score might be used for English placement but I don’t believe so. I believe it really does not factor in much at all. My son scored a 580 on English SAT and took IB English Junior and Senior year. He got a A in his Junior year and a C+ his Senior year. That was his only C throughout high school but that was not seen by them until after he was already accepted and sent in on his final transcripts. He was also exempt from taking freshmen English 1105 his first semester but had to receive a passing grade of C or better in English 1106 in order to receive credit for it. What determines if you get in is having a B or better throughout your high school years. Another thing that can factor in is what you are planning to major in. Why I say that because if you are trying to get accepted into the Engineering School than what is really important to them is that you scored high in the Math section of the SAT or ACT. So your English section won’t be a hugh major factor but at least try to score a 500 or above. Another note if you are picking Engineering do not specify which area of Engineering you would like to do in case you change your mind later on. It is really hard to change majors if your grades are not good at VT. A note for any young ladies going into Engineering, the odds are in your favor because not many girls go into that particular major.</p>

<p>For years people have come on here putting the fear into people making them think that their scores and GPA was not good enough. Also if you where from Northern Va. that was a curse. My son got into the Engineering program on early decision with a weighted GPA 3.83 and a combine score in Math/Critical Reading of 1250. I also know that someone who had over a 4.0 but only scored a 1600 on SATs got into VT. A lot of people with lower scores do get in! What is important is to show them that you are challenging yourself. If your school has IB or AP make sure you take them for all of your required courses. You also should have taken all honors courses in your Freshmen and Sophomore year.</p>

<p>Another misconception is that people believe their child must play sports and join numerous clubs to look well rounded. I don’t believe that is necessarily true. My son did not do any high school sports but did do two clubs. One was FBLA and the other one drum roll please Ping Pong. He did play baseball and basketball when he was younger and did one year of Cub Scouts. But they don’t care what you do when you are young. </p>

<p>What I have said here is just my experience and my opinion. You decide on what you choose to believe or not. Oh and by the way my son graduate from VT in 4 years with almost a 3.0 in Electrical Engineering and now has a job with a starting salary of $60,000 with a $5000 signing bonus. So in the end he did well for himself. Now my other son is a piece of work but I still love him.</p>

<p>Thanks much. I have a Junior in ME at VT and a son applying for Fall 2014 admission to various schools and now waiting (Biology). Youngest son took ACTs, which worked better for him so the above is very helpful. Loved your comment about your son being a piece of work…feel that way on many days.</p>